ESX Admin commands list

This is a little overview of commands for the ESX-Framework.

Updated: May 2024

  1. /setcoords: Teleport to specific coordinates.
  2. /setjob: Assign a job to a player.
  3. /car: Spawn a vehicle.
  4. /cardel or /dv: Delete a vehicle.
  5. /setaccountmoney: Set the money amount for a player’s account.
  6. /giveaccountmoney: Give a specified amount of money to a player.
  7. /bring: Teleport a player to your location.
  8. /goto: Teleport yourself to a player’s location.
  9. /giveitem: Give an item to a player.
  10. /giveweaponcomponent: Modify a weapon’s components.
  11. /clear: Clear the chat.
  12. /clearall: Clear the chat for all players.
  13. /showinventory: Check the inventory of a player.
  14. /clearinventory: Clear the inventory of a player.
  15. /clearloadout: Remove all weapons from a player.
  16. /setgroup: Assign a specific group to a player.
  17. /skin: Access the menu for changing player skins.
  18. /tpm: Teleport to the map waypoint.
  19. /freeze: Freeze or unfreeze a player’s movement.
  20. /kick: Remove a player from the server.
  21. /ban: Ban a player from the server.
  22. /unban: Unban a previously banned player.
  23. /setgroup: Assign a specific group to a player.
  24. /addgroup: Add a player to a particular group.
  25. /removegroup: Remove a player from a specific group.
  26. /announce: Send a server-wide announcement or message.
  27. /warn: Issue a warning to a player.
  28. /kickall: Kick all players from the server.
  29. /godmode: Enable or disable god mode for a player.
  30. /invincible: Make a player invincible or vulnerable.
  31. /sethealth: Set a player’s health to a specific value.
  32. /setarmor: Set a player’s armor level to a specified amount.
  33. /heal: Restore a player’s health to maximum.
  34. /repair: Repair the vehicle you are currently in.
  35. /revive: Revive a downed or dead player.
  36. /tpcoords: Teleport to specific coordinates.
  37. /tpmarker: Teleport to a map marker location.
  38. /reviveme: Revive yourself if you’re downed or dead.
  39. /noclip: Enable or disable the no-clip mode for flying through objects.
  40. /settime: Set the in-game time to a specified value.
  41. /weather: Change the weather in the game world.
  42. /debug: Enable or disable debugging mode.
  43. /shutdown: Shutdown or restart the server.
  44. /whitelist: Manage the server whitelist.
  45. /announcestaff: Send a server-wide announcement specifically to staff members.

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