FiveM Launchers

Custom Launchers for your project
Enhance your server entry of your FiveM server. Use a FiveM launcher and customize/set it up it the way you want. Feel free to edit all 100% editable source codes.

Our launcher includes a custom loading screen and a custom game server list. We also offer a wide variety of FiveM mods and scripts. Our launchers are easy to use and offer a wide range of features, making them the best choice for your FiveM server.

Give your players the possibility to join your server right away without searching for the server.

Showing the single result

  • FiveM Launchers

    RealisticLife v3 Launcher

    Original price was: $98.76.Current price is: $32.12. Add to cart

    Create your own FiveM launcher exe

    This launcher, originally from RealisticLife v3, was being used for a FiveM RP server. Use the source code and create your own .exe / launcher.

    If you use: Make sure to redirect the player to the cfx join link to make it work well. The source code is 100% original and open source (no encryption) at all.

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