Player Owned Shops

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This resource was created as a free script to allow those with ox_inventory to have player owned shops

Download here for free:


  • Supports ESX(Will port for QBCore soon)
  • Utilizes ox_inventory UI / stashes / shops / functions
  • Stock and set your own prices per product
  • Ability to add blip to location
  • Ability to add boss menu
  • Deposits profits into society account of shop



  • Ensure you have dependencies installed / started prior to this script
  • Put script in your resources directory
  • Add ensure wasabi_oxshops in your server.cfg

Extra Information

  • Will add likely quite a few more features so stay tuned.

Here is the original 1 store:

Config.Shops = {
    ['uwucafe'] = { -- Job name
        label = 'UwU Cafe',
        blip = {
            enabled = true,
            coords = vec3(-583.37, -1060.80, 22.34),
            sprite = 279,
            color = 8,
            scale = 0.7,
            string = 'UwU Cafe'
        bossMenu = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable boss menu?
            coords = vec3(-597.07, -1053.40, 22.34), -- Location of boss menu
            string = '[E] - Access Boss Menu', -- Text UI label string
            range = 3.0, -- Distance to allow access/prompt with text UI
        locations = {
            stash = {
                string = '[E] - Access Inventory',
                coords = vec3(-588.59, -1066.42, 22.34),
                range = 3.0
            shop = {
                string = '[E] - Access Shop',
                coords = vec3(-583.37, -1060.80, 22.34),
                range = 4.0
    }, -- Copy and paste this shop to create more

I will show example with 2 stores:

Config.Shops = {
    ['uwucafe'] = { -- Job name
        label = 'UwU Cafe',
        blip = {
            enabled = true,
            coords = vec3(-583.37, -1060.80, 22.34),
            sprite = 279,
            color = 8,
            scale = 0.7,
            string = 'UwU Cafe'
        bossMenu = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable boss menu?
            coords = vec3(-597.07, -1053.40, 22.34), -- Location of boss menu
            string = '[E] - Access Boss Menu', -- Text UI label string
            range = 3.0, -- Distance to allow access/prompt with text UI
        locations = {
            stash = {
                string = '[E] - Access Inventory',
                coords = vec3(-588.59, -1066.42, 22.34),
                range = 3.0
            shop = {
                string = '[E] - Access Shop',
                coords = vec3(-583.37, -1060.80, 22.34),
                range = 4.0
    }, -- Copy and paste this shop to create more

    ['mcdonalds'] = { -- Job name
        label = 'McDonalds',
        blip = {
            enabled = true,
            coords = vec3(123.22, 123.22, 123.22),
            sprite = 279,
            color = 8,
            scale = 0.7,
            string = 'McDonalds'
        bossMenu = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable boss menu?
            coords = vec3(-597.07, -1053.40, 22.34), -- Location of boss menu
            string = '[E] - Access Boss Menu', -- Text UI label string
            range = 3.0, -- Distance to allow access/prompt with text UI
        locations = {
            stash = {
                string = '[E] - Access Inventory',
                coords = vec3(-588.59, -1066.42, 22.34),
                range = 3.0
            shop = {
                string = '[E] - Access Shop',
                coords = vec3(-583.37, -1060.80, 22.34),
                range = 4.0
    }, -- Copy and paste this shop to create more

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